Since 2019, Quai d'Orsay has been part of the company Exatechthe French leader in the organization and digitization of competitive examinations. In this way, our professional training offer is supported by state-of-the-art technology and tools.
Quai d'Orsay brings together top-quality trainers to offer high-impact language training. Since 2022we have joined forces with another major player in language training: BTLBusiness and Technical Languages. Established in 1983, we have been building our pedagogical expertise for over 40 years.
BTL is located at 82 Boulevard Haussmann in Paris's 8th arrondissement, and boasts a number of fully-equipped training rooms. The group has over 200 experienced trainers and coaches in a wide range of business sectors. Our training courses are delivered in over 20 languages. They combine face-to-face and distance learning, and are supported by high-quality digital resources and tools (e-Learning platform, e-Book, etc.) to meet every specific need.